Friday, 16 July 2010

you chavvy chav! <3

You Cheap Tart!!! <3 :)

Ask me anything


Ask me anything

What's the Pineapple summer school like?

I was amazing! Slightly surreal lol, but so worth it! You do everything you could hope to do and more! they take you to see a West- End show (if you do the mucical theatre course) you do stage movement, projecting, and you put together a show at the end! it's brilliant :)

Ask me anything

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Why LAMDA out of all the straight acting schools, assuming you were planning on music theatre at GSA etc? :-)

I don't know really! ha! I just think it has really interesting and strong courses, and an aquaintence of mine went snd she really enjoyed it there XD

Ask me anything

What was the inspirational blog that inspired you to start your own?

Oh i have read quite a few brilliant Musical Theatre based blogs that i have read, all of which have been inspiring :D

Ask me anything

What summer schools do you do?

I have done amateur summer schools (Young Americans etc.) for a fair few years, but only last year started going to the 'real' (i put that in inverted comma's because i know it isn't the proper word to describe them, but it's the only one i could think of :P) last year, I went to Pineapple and Millar-Henshall (run by Ruthie Henshall) last year, and am diong Pineapple and Mountview this year :)

Ask me anything

How long have you wanted to do music theatre?

Emm.. i have had an interest in Musical theatre from a young age, but i think i only really decided it was definately the path i wanted to pursue after being in a production of FAME last year :D

Ask me anything

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